Friday, May 4, 2012

Chapter Twenty: Happily ever after.

Ethan and Harper.

On his eventual date with Harper, Ethan doesn’t talk excessively about the mechanics of dating. To him it is not like crossing deepest darkest Africa, in a Toyota Land Cruiser; every mud-hole is not an invitation to hold forth on the various philosophies of “digging out,” with a discourse on the pros and cons of each method. That is for tea-time in Tipperary, and he can regale his children with the stories of his exploits later, when time comes.

To have a good date, you need to talk about matters of substance. If you can't talk about matters of substance, take a moment and consider what that means. If there is nothing in the brain box, what are you selling? You need to have a character to be investigated, and your opinions are a reflection of that character, but not the substance of it. Read the news. Ask questions about the opinions of your date. If you have nothing to say, READ A BOOK. That's why we learn to do so, in grade school. If you date has nothing to say, they are at another step in the road to maturity. Be kind, and move on. If all else fails, and you just can't abide the whole mess, but you are convinced that you have something useful and valid to offer, WRITE A BOOK and try to change the system. I know I did.

Harper, of course, is delighted with Ethan’s high school frog breeding experiment, and he is fascinated in return, with the idea of spending weekend dates at the Zoo, feeding the animals. Harper finds that Ethan didn't know that the sex of alligators is determined by their hatching temperature, and they begin to have a wonderful discussion with each other. True they will need to know where each other stand on budgeting, and geographical locations (remember Komodo Island? Harper doesn’t necessarily want to go there!) But these things will come up naturally, given time. They will start in small matters (where do you want to go to the movie?) and as Ethan and Harper get to know each other, they will decide that their love is written in the stars.

Cameron and Emma.

Cameron and Emma hook up after a successful high school game, and she continues to cheer him on, to a winning season. Cameron’s had migrated north from her middle thigh, and Emma told him he was going nowhere without a condom. He stopped, thereby gaining her respect.

This is not a book on marriage. It is a book on how to date. I wish you all the best… go get ‘em.